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Borehole Drilling in Kenya › 0759949260

Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya

Get high quality borehole drilling services at affordable rates in Nairobi, Kiambu, Machakos, Kajiado, Nakuru, Eldoret, Mombasa and the rest of Kenya. We Drill boreholes and develop wells for homes, schools, community centers, organization and businesses.

Enjoy Top Notch Affordable Borehole Drilling Services in Nairobi, Mombasa, Machakos, Nakuru, Eldoret, Kisumu, Kitui, Isiolo, Turkana and the rest of Kenya

Borehole design, Borehole drilling and Borehole development is a complex operation. If you are considering installing a borehole and you would like the experience to be as streamlined and successful as possible then there are some key pointers to be aware of so that you can reduce what can be a frustating, time consuming and expensive affair.

borehole drilling nairobi kenya services
borehole drilling nairobi kenya services


You are here, so its very likely that you have gone through the pros and cons of acquiring borehold drilling services and owning your own sufficient borehole. We however take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of having your own borehole on your premises.

best cheapest borehole drilling drillers services nairobi kenya kiambu machakos
best cheapest borehole drilling drillers services nairobi kenya kiambu machakos

1. Huge savings on your water bill

You get water directly from nature and therefore, you are able to cut down on consumption. You have more water for , farming, cleaning, farm animals consumption and other uses.

2. Provides water security for your family

With your own borehole, you are guaranteed a continuous source of water. Water cuts whether by design or by accident have less effect on your water consumption rates for you, your home, family, institution or center.

3.Water independence

Going by the previous point, your own borehole grants you a better leve of independence on where you source your water. It definitely is desirable.

4. An investment / business opportunity

A borehole grants you the ability to avail water to the community or homes around you. You are at the discretion of how you make this happen. Whether its by charity or business. A borehole is indeed commercially viable. You are also able to save on expenditures on water and can allocate your financial resources to other needs.

Dial 0722466091 For Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya


Then again, everything comes with a cost and downsides. In this case, Drilling a borehole also has its challenges.

1. A messy process whereby your garden will need a period to renew.

The process will entail digging up loads of soil and dirt. Your well kept lawn could be messedup for the duration of the borehole drilling proccess. And it will need restoration and renewal. However, looking at the advantages of the final product, this con can be overlooked.

2. No guarantee of finding water (although we have a 100% success rate)

Its true that you are not guaranteed to find water at some of the spots you need your borehole drilled. However, our geological experts will do the necessary studies and assessments to ensure that the spot where the borehole drilling is conducted, is the right spot. And we can guarantee you with a 100%level of surerity, that once we start the drilling process, it wont be a futile process.

What is the Difference Between a Wellpoint and a Borehole?

a). Well

A Wellpoint is possible to be installed where the geological formation are favourable, preferably porous soil and the water table is relatively close to the surface. It consists of a PVC / polyethylene pipe inserted into the soil with a centrifugal pump mounted on the surface.

b). Borehole

The installation of a wellpoint takes approximately 2-4 hours. A Borehole is a much deeper extraction. A Borehole can have the depth of about 30 to 100 meters or even more. A large PVC / polyethylene casing are used to be able to install a submersible pump to extract the water to the surface. To install a borehole it can take approximately 3-5 days.

Our Exclusive Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya

Bestcare Services specializes in Wellpoint and Borehole drilling and maintenance. We offer a complete service that cover all aspects of wellpoints and boreholes.

  • Agriculture, Industrial & Domestic Borehole Drilling : Borehole drilling services for home owners to use on their farmlands, for agricultural use and domestic use. Have enough water to irrigate your crop and feed your farm animals. And some more water for your home-use.
  • Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Boreholes : When you have an old borehole that has been unused for some time, for one reason or another, reach out to us to help with rehabilitation, dredging, cleanup and reinstation.
  • Domestic & Industrial Pump Sales & Repairs : we deal in water pumps to help with retrieving water from your borehole, automating your water supply system by pumping the borehole water into your shower, taps and usage points.
  • Water Tank Storage Systems :
  • All Electrical Installations of Equipment
  • Irrigation Design & Installation
  • Excellent After Sale Service
  • Valve and Pipework

Dial 0722466091 For Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya


Prior to all the whole borehole drilling service and borehole accessories installations, we provide a written quotation. This will indicate the schedule of work and the associated costs, with our terms and conditions.

To provide you with a quotation, we need information about your requirements and location of the works. This can be provided via correspondence and a reconnaisance. With our knowledge and your information a quote will be ready in no time.

borehole drilling in kiambu, machakos, kajiado and nakuru keya
borehole drilling in kiambu, machakos, kajiado and nakuru keya

Dowsing: We have installed hundreds of boreholes without using the method of dowsing, but to put your mind at rest, we will put you in touch with a professional geophysicist on your request. He will charge a fee for his service and provide you with a hydro geological survey.

Boreholes are highly sought after facilities. With the expensive water rates and weather patterns, attention has increasingly focused on the necessity of this vital resource.

With prices now increasing plus standing charges, your wellpoint or borehole water supply can save huge amounts of money. A properly designed borehole can pay for itself, sometimes in a matter of months.

Borehole and wellpoint water supplies offer huge savings to many users, sport fields, housing schemes, farms and leisure centres. The installation of a borehole or wellpoint adds extra value to your property.

Constructing a Borehole after the Borehole Drilling process

You have to make sure that the contractor drilling your borehole or wellpoint has experience in your area. How he drills your borehole is just as important as where it is drilled.

In Kenya, Rotary Mud drilling is the most used due to the ground structure. After drilling to the required depth and water is found, the boreholes is lined with PVC casing (made of plastic) or steel casing depending on the ground structure.

Special screens are slotted (screened) to allow the water through at the right pressure. These slots avoid sediment being drawn in along with the water. The thickness of the PVC (class 16 PVC) is determined by the depth of the hole. The thinner classifications is class 12 or class 9.

The area around the screened PVC (annulus) is packed with gravel (grade 6) or 16/30 sand that act as a filter. The borehole is now ready to be “developed”. This is done by using a compressor to blow out the chemically treated water. This proses is done until perfectly clear water appears.

If the borehole is not “developed” it can have a big influence on the amount of water produced by the borehole. Steel casing is used only if a hard formation is encountered. The method of drilling will change from mud to rotary drilling to air percussion drilling. Steel sleeves are lowered down until the “rock” is struck. The air percussion drilling will proceed until water is struck. Clean and clear water is normally found in these rocks.

If it is necessary to line the hole with PVC, the PVC casing is inserted into the steel casing. The annulus between the steel and PVC is filled with gravel or 16/30 filter sand to act as a filter. The final, but very important part, is lowering a reliable stainless steel submersible pump, powered by electricity into the boreholes. The pump will bring water to the surface under pressure.

The size of the pump is determined by the flow of the water and the depth of the hole. A proper borehole for domestic purposes should deliver between 500 and 3500 litres of water per hour. Great care is taken in the way we do the engineering of the hole. We use safe, non-toxic materials within the boreholes.

best cheapest borehole drilling drillers services nairobi kenya kiambu machakos
best cheapest borehole drilling drillers services nairobi kenya kiambu machakos

Borehole Maintenance (Borehole maintenance services in Kenya)

Why install a perfect and high quality borehole if you don’t maintain it? Prevention is better than cure. To keep your borehole at peak efficiency, and minimize the possibility of a breakdown it is recommended that the borehole and pumps are serviced on a yearly basis.

Borehole Maintenance and Rehabilitation:

We offer services to assist with the maintenance and improvement of existing installations.

  1. Rehabilitation of existing boreholes (cleaning with compressor)
  2. Removing of borehole and booster pumps
  3. Pump testing
  4. Servicing of borehole and booster pumps
  5. Cleaning of holding tanks
  6. Upgrading of existing system
  7. Servicing and maintenance of such an expensive asset will ensure maximum lifespan of pumps and boreholes.

Commercial Borehole Drilling in Kenya

We have experience of working in all walks of life, farmers and companies requiring a private supply for their own production processes or for irrigation purposes.

bestcare borehole drilling kenya
bestcare borehole drilling kenya

Cutting Costs

Boreholes pay for themselves in a very short time. Frequently cutting costs by at least 80%. Users such as these benefit by cutting costs and making major savings on water resources related expenditure :

  1. Sports grounds and Golf courses
  2. Farms
  3. Domestic housing with small to big gardens
  4. Rural villages and communities
  5. Hospitals
  6. Schools and learning institutions

Borehole Pumps, Pump Parts and Pump Supplies

Each borehole and wellpoint requires its own specific pump and parts for optimal use.

  1. Submersible borehole pumps
  2. Wellpoint pumps
  3. Water Filters
  4. Booster pumps
  5. Fittings, pumps and valves

Water Storage Tanks

A water storage tank is fitted where the water pressure is not enough. Especially if you want to connect the water directly to your irrigation. Holding tanks vary in size and the size chosen will be determined after the amount of water is established from the borehole in conjunction with the quantity that is needed to irrigate.

A booster pump pumps water to the irrigation system. The filling of the storage tank from the borehole is attached via a level control device. Booster pumps vary in size depending on the needs and is fitted with a dry run protection unit. It can also be connected to stand up pipes around the property to feed hoses.


Bestcare Borehole Drilling Services is a privately owned company that specialises in professional drilling of boreholes throughout Kenya. We help individuals, home owners, schools, churches, community centers, water businesses, and other types of clients get highly efficient and productive boreholes.

Our borehole drilling services are available in Nairobi County, Machakos, Kajiado, Kiambu, Kitui, Mombasa, Malindi,Kwale, Nyeri, Meru, Embu, Isiolo, Samburu, Nakuru, Kisii, Kisumu, Kakamega, Busia, Vihiga, Uasin Gishu, Turkana, Migori, Nyandarua, Bomet and all the other counties, town and centers in Kenya.

Our team has more than 20 years of knowledge and expertise in this trade of business and all of our team members have a passion for what they do. Our outstanding experience and expertise are the foundation on which we built our reputation. Our employees also have years of experience in operating in different geological areas in Kenya.

Our services include (but are not limited to),

  1. Rotary air-percussion drilling,
  2. Odex drilling, water drilling,
  3. Exploration for mining,
  4. Drilling of blasting holes
  5. Drilling of holes for power lines.

We have also done numerous projects in the private sector for farmers, at residential properties, hospitals and in rural areas. Ee have drilled more than 700 boreholes.


The location of your borehole is mainly determined by the borehole’s purpose and requires desk study, site assessments, and surveys to assess the following considerations:

  • ​​Output What will it be used for? – Is it for drinking water, household use, irrigation or other water related functions?
  • Access Is there accessibility for the drilling team and equipment?
  • Location Is the proximity of the borehole location appropriate for its use?
  • Yield Will there be sufficient yield and appropriate water quality for the intended purpose?
  • Quality Have potential sources of water contamination been evaluated in the assessment?
  • Forms Has the required borehole application form been submitted to the municipality 14 days prior to abstraction?
bestcare borehole drilling services nairobi kenya
bestcare borehole drilling services nairobi kenya


Borehole design is important and necessary. A well designed borehole with a professional install should result in a cost effective, reliable, robust method of obtaining water for the future.

Further, a well designed borehole can protect the natural groundwater from becoming contaminated. Sadly, borehole design and development is one of the most overlooked aspects within the industry and not enough time, care or attention is put into this vital stage of the process.

Current climate models predict that boreholes as a long-term supply and quality  source of our groundwater should be highly considered.​


Optimisation Ensures that the borehole has the best opportunity to be fit for purpose e.g. highest yield with minimum drawdown

  1. Quality Best quality water possible for the installation
  2. Fresh Free from salt water intrusion near coastal areas
  3. Filtered Sand-free water
  4. Protected Appropriate protection from contamination


Two 1.5 m mud pits are dug

  • The first is to capture the cuttings that surface during the drilling process
  • The second mud pit is to recirculate the now cleaner water back into the hole which assists the boring process

Drilling commences to the desired depth. Once we have water we drop our PVC casings down (unless it is a rock/boulder drill where the process differs). Construct appropriate formation of casings, screens, gravel and chipstone backfill which help filter the water


Once you have a water supply our drillers will:

  1. Thoroughly flush the hole of all loose debris
  2. Insert the pump and let it run for 24 hours to remove any contaminants
  3. Assess the current water yield and improve if necessary
  4. Ensure the formation of the casings, screens and gravel allow for easy passage of the water into the borehole
  5. Ensure the borehole is fit for purpose e.g. yield, diameter, depth, casing and screen, gravel pack/formation etc.


  1. The hole is secured with a cap
  2. Electrical cables and the controls for the pump are run and tested
  3. The site is cleaned


There are three main types of borehole drill terrains :


Mud Rotary drilling is a versatile and dependable technique ideal for drilling into soft rocks, sand and clay layers. The process uses rotating hollow drill pipes which carry down drilling muds to lubricate, cool and clean the drill bit whilst drilling the hole.

​The Mud Rotary technique also coats the side of the borehole with a thin layer of clay from the drilling fluids which stabilises the wall of the borehole.

Once water has been located, the water is flushed clean and the walls of the borehole are stabilised with PVC casings.In Kenya, most areas are a combination of mud and rock drilling.


Rock Percussion drilling is used on hard rock layers and uses compressed air to drive a pneumatic hammer into the rock. ​Our rigs are combination rotary-percussion drilling, The combined hammering and rotation of the bit results in the relatively speedy penetration of hard rock.

​Once you have drilled through rock it is a solid hole which nothing can collapse into. ​In Kenya, most areas are a combination of mud and rock drilling.


In areas, like Somerset West, the underlying rock structure consists of large boulders which can collapse into the hole whist drilling. BESTCARE drilling is a specialised drilling technique in which steel casings are attached to the hammer part of the drill and protect the drill and drilling process from dislodged boulders.

The steel casings are left in the ground to maintain the structure of the hole. ​This method, like rock drilling, uses an air compressor which drives a pneumatic hammer through the rock.


As pertains to borehole drilling and development services in Kenya, we are able to deliver the services listed here with speed, precision and quality results, at affordable charges :


A variety of borehole drilling methods are used to assess the geophysical property of the underlying area for the drilling of boreholes in private and public sectors. The type of ground and geology of the site will determine depth of the borehole, because ground water flows differently at different locations. The purpose for drilling the borehole will also affect the water quality needed and processes used to sink the borehole successfully.


An excellent option when unconsolidated formations are too dense or cobbly for Auger Drilling. Odex is an adaptation of the down-hole air hammer system that is designed to advance casing during drilling. Once a desired depth is reached the eccentric bit can be retrieved leaving the casing in place for sampling or installations.


This is the initial phase of drilling for the purpose of determining the physical properties and boundaries of a reservoir. Exploration Drilling should occur before development drilling should take place.


The supply, installation and commissioning of a pump system depends largely on the depth of the borehole, piping and the amount of water to be pumped into the pressure requirements of the system. The borehole submersible pump will pump into a pressure tank linked to the main water supply of the borehole submersible pump, then pump out the tank using a pressure pump to the home.


Different diameter size drilling and depths required for power line poles.


Installing water filtration systems to ensure all undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases are removed from the water in order to produce water for all household purposes.


Borehole and pump maintenance is important to adhere to in order to ensure the best returns on your investment. Quality constructed private water supply systems require routine maintenance. With regular borehole maintenance check-ups you can not only extend the working life of the borehole but also maintain its efficiency and borehole yield.


Having gone through the detailed information about boreholes, why you need one, the drilling process, types of boreholes and the borehole drilling services that we offer in Kenya, here is how you can get our borehole drilling services :

#1 Borehole-drilling copany in nairobi kenya
#1 Borehole-drilling copany in nairobi kenya


We encourage our clients to request a basic drilling quotation before a site visit..


After the completion of the site visit and acceptance of the quotation, terms and conditions allocates a spot on the drilling list.


The drilling process is planned and prepared on-site before we commence with the drilling to ensure the client’s best interest is kept at heart.


We clean the premises and surrounding area after drilling. We will strive to return the area back to its normal state. Items of value should just be removed prior to the drilling process.


A water sample is tested to establish the quality of water. Test pump installed to determine per hour flow rate of borehole and installation depth.


After the flow rate test was completed we provide you with another quote for the borehole pump and other water services requirements.


After acceptance of the installation quotation we install the borehole pump and any other installations as required.


We visit our customers after installation to welcome you to the borehole family and ensure that you are satisfied with the completed work done on your premises.


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Categories Appliance Services, Window Services

All Washing Machine Brands we repair › 0759949260

Washer Brands & Manufacturers of washing machines we fix and repair in Nairobi Kenya

We repair a variety of washing machines, Washing Machines and dryer brands and handle all Nairobi Washing Machines Repairs needs for all appliance brands. We can repair and service Washing Machines brands such as AEG, Daewoo, Asko, Ariston, Beko, Bosch, Bosch, Siemens, FRIGIDAIRE, Amana, Panasonic, IKEA, BAUKNECHT, Mika, Asko, Sanyo, Bush, GE, Indesit, Neff, Candy, Hitachi, Zanussi, ELBA, BEKO, VON HOTPOINT, Armco, Maytag, Kenmore, Kitchenaid, HP, Bruhm, Miele, Ramtons, Ariston, LG, Smeg, Sharp, Toshiba, Daewoo, Haier, Fisher & Paykel, Hoover, Electrolux, Whirlpool, Samsung and many other brands and models.

Get Washing Machine Repair services from Bestcare Appliances Repair Nairobi Kenya. We also offer washing machine installation, maintenance, cleaning and spare parts replacement in and around Nairobi Kenya.

Has your washing machine broken down? Is it failing to turn? Is the wash cycle not completing or going fully? Or maybe the drum is failing to fill with water? Then you’ve come to the right place. If you searched for Washing Machine repair near me, then you landed on the correct address. Bestcare Appliances Repair Nairobi Kenya is a local repair and service company with technicians located all across the greater Nairobi region. We have years of experience repairing appliances for both households and commercial establishments, offering high-quality workmanship at affordable prices.

We are proud to say that we are the only company in Kenya to offer a 3-month service and a 12-month parts warranty. And not only that, when you call us before 12 noon today, we offer same-day delivery. So if your Washing Machines is not working as it should, trust that Bestcare Appliances Repair Nairobi Kenya will have it fully repaired and functioning in no time.

We repair a variety of washing machines, Washing Machines and dryer brands and handle all Nairobi Washing Machines Repairs needs for all appliance brands. We can repair and service Washing Machines brands such as AEG, Daewoo, Asko, Ariston, Beko, Bosch, Bosch, Siemens, FRIGIDAIRE, Amana, Panasonic, IKEA, BAUKNECHT, Mika, Asko, Sanyo, Bush, GE, Indesit, Neff, Candy, Hitachi, Zanussi, ELBA, BEKO, VON HOTPOINT, Armco, Maytag, Kenmore, Kitchenaid, HP, Bruhm, Miele, Ramtons, Ariston, LG, Smeg, Sharp, Toshiba, Daewoo, Haier, Fisher & Paykel, Hoover, Electrolux, Whirlpool, Samsung and many other brands and models.

When you need someone to fix your Washing Machines, our trusted and insured team will make sure you get to use your Washing Machines within the day.  Call our friendly staff on 0725414578 today and we’ll give you useful consultancy and advise on your Washing Machines problems.

 Types of Washing Machines We Repair in Nairobi

  • Front-loader Washing Machines
  • Washing Machines Dryers
  • Twin-Tub Washing Machines
  • Top-loader Washing Machines
  • Compact and Portable Washing Machines
  • Washing Machine – Dryer Combos
  • Automated / Automatic Washing Machines & Dryers
  • Semi-Automatic Washing Machines & Dryers
  • Manual Washing Machines & Dryers

Common WasherProblems for which we offer Washing Machine Repair services in Nairobi Kenya

  1. The washing machine does not start the cycle
  2. The washing machine is slow to fill
  3. The Washing Machine overfills
  4. Wash cycles do not finish / run to completion
  5. The washing machine makes odd noises when on

Having your Washing Machines repaired shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. We understand that Washing Machines are important to any household or business and we provide the best services at the very friendly market rates in Nairobi on washer parts and repair labor cost. For affordable Washing Machines Repairs and services in Nairobi, Machakos, Kikuyu, Limuru, Athi River, Ngong, Thika and environs, you can count on Bestcare Appliances Repair  to meet your needs and budget.

When appliances and water are involved, chances are, the result is always a mess. But that’s not the case with our technicians. They have been trained to clean up after themselves, so once they leave your premises, you can get straight to washing your laundry without any worry.

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washing-machine-dryer-repair-nairobi-kenya-best washing machine repair nairobi kenya westlands

When it comes to Nairobi Washing Machines Repairs, needs, and services, you can trust that Bestcare Appliances Repair Nairobi Kenya  is one of the best in the business. We offer fast and immediate service, fully certified technicians, and unrivaled affordable prices that won’t put a dent in your pocket. The next time your Washing Machines breaks down, call us before 12 noon and we’ll be there at your doorstep to have your Washing Machines fully fixed and functioning.

washing machine repair nairobi kenya
washing machine repair nairobi kenya

Brands and Manufacturer Models for which we offer Washing Machine Repair Services in Nairobi Kenya :

Whatever the brand of washing machines, we can fix it. Our technicians undergo regular training and refresher programs on how to handle common problems in all popular washing machine / washer brands. They have fixed almost every problem that a washing machine could possibly have and refresher training ensures that they remain on top of the curve in understanding newer models and brands that get released regularly by washing machine manufacturer. The washing machine brands we repair / fix include

Amana washing machines, Beko and Blomberg washing machines, Bosch washing machines, Daco washing machines, Electrolux and Frigidaire washing machines, Fisher & Paykel washing machines, GE / General Electric washing machines, Ikea washing machines, Kenmore washing machines, KitchenAid washing machines, LG washing machines, Maytag washing machines, Miele washing machines, Samsung washing machines, Thermador washing machines, Viking washing machines, Bosch washing machines, Siemens washing machines, FRIGIDAIRE washing machines, Amana washing machines, Panasonic washing machines, IKEA washing machines, BAUKNECHT washing machines, Mika washing machines, Asko washing machines, Sanyo Washers, Bush Washers, GE Washers, Indesit Washers, Neff Washers, Candy Washers, Hitachi Washers, Zanussi Washers, ELBA Washers, BEKO Washers, VON HOTPOINT Washers, Armco Washers, Maytag Washers, Kenmore Washers, Kitchenaid Washers, HP Washers, Bruhm Washers, Miele Washers, Ramtons Washers, Ariston Washers, LG Washers, Smeg Washers, Sharp Washers, Toshiba Washers, Daewoo Washers, Haier Washers, Fisher & Paykel Washers, Hoover Washers, Electrolux Washers, Whirlpool Washers, Samsung and Whirlpool Washers.

washing machine repair for all washer brands and manufacturers
washing machine repair for all washer brands and manufacturers

All Brands Washing machine repair services coverage areas and locations in Nairobi Kenya. 

We offer our washing Machine Repair services in Many estates and residential areas in and Around Nairobi, Machakos, Kajiado, Kiambu, Nakuru and Murang’a Counties. The odds are high that you searched for “Washing Machine Repair Near Me” on google and found yourself here. Its because we have technicians and partners stationed in estates, residential and commercial areas and addresses close to you. Home Appliances are bulky and many times, we have found that many clients preffer having their washers, tumble dryers, refrigerators and televisions, among other appliances fixed at home. This is why we have door to door and freelance style services as an option for our clients. We do not charge any call-out fees and our technician will arrive in approximately 30 minutes once you place the request to have them dispatched. The areas covered in our appliance repair services include, but are not limited to : Brookside, Muthithi Road, Raphta Road, Lavington, Hurlingham, NHC Embakasi, NHC, Galeria, Pipeline, Donholm, Zimmerman, Juja, Githurai, TRM, Lumumba Drive, Mirema, Kiambu Road, Embakasi, South B / C, Nairobi West, Tasia, Syokimau, Imara Daima, Machakos Junction, Athi River, Kitengela, Mlolongo, Umoja, Riruta, Riara Road, Gachie, satellite, Kawangware, Mountain View, Donholm, Savannah, Ruai, Greenspan, Buru buru, Kayole, Dandora, Maringo, Kerarapon, Utawala, Nakumatt Junction, Valley Arcade, Woodley, Yaya Center, Komarock, Karen, Ngong, Lenana, Ngumo, Valley Arcade, Kibera, Dagoretti Corner, Embul Bul, Kiserian, Upperhill, Roysambu, Ruiru, Kasarani, Pangani, Kahawa, Thoome, Ngara, Juja, Jacaranda, Kajiado County, Machakos County, Kiambu County, Nairobi County, Maziwa, Muthangari, Gigiri, Ruaka, Peponi, Loresho, Kabete, Spring Valley, Kyuna, 87, Uthiru, Kinoo, Muthiga, Mountain View, Riverside, Kitisuru, Thigiri, Parklands, Rosslyn, Nyari, Muthaiga, Runda, Kikuyu, Miwani, Mitaboni, Machakos Junction, Kenya Israel, Emali, Kyaka Hotel, Gelian Hotel, Lukenya, Daystar University, Athi River Town, Kitengela Town, Mlolongo, Makadara, Madaraka, Langata, Kiserian, Ngong Matasia, Ngong VET, Kajiado Town, Isinya, oloolua, Murang’a, Kenol, Gatundu, Gatanga, Githunguri, Karatina, Juja, Kahawa West, Kahawa Sukari, Jacaranda Estate, Hamza Estate, Fedha Estate, Maringo, Kaloleni, Makongeni, Jerusalem, Highridge, Highrise

cooker repair services in nairobi kenya
cooker repair services in nairobi kenya

Other Appliance Repair Services You can get From Bestcare Appliances Repair Nairobi Kenya

Besides washing machines, we also do Cooker repair, freezer repair, fridge repair, oven repair, electric cooker and oven repair, gas cooker and oven repair, charcoal grill assembly and repair, grill assembly and repair, dishwasher repair, television repair, air conditioner repair, hvac,repair,nairobi,kenya,services,maintenance,install,installation,spares,spare,parts,spare parts, lawn mower repair, grass cutter repair, trampoline repair, generator repair, shower repair, swimming pool cleaning, hood extractor installation and repair, water dispenser repair, water purifier repair, water dispenser spare parts, water purifier spare parts,


Categories Appliance Services

Top Washer Repair Services in Nairobi


Bestcare Services offer the best Washer repair services in Nairobi Kenya. We do washing machine and tumble dryer fault analisys, washing machine repair, washing machine maintenance and washing machine parts and spares replacement. If you searched for “washing machine repair near me“, then you landed on the right address. Dial 0722566999 to get your washing machine back to work soonest.

washing-machine-dryer-repair-nairobi-kenya-best washing machine repair nairobi kenya westlands
washing-machine-dryer-repair-nairobi-kenya-best washing machine repair nairobi kenya westlands

Recruit the right professional to execute a task at your home or business with the aid of Bestcare Services.  From Home appliance repair like washing machine repair in Nairobi, handyman services, home services, catering & technical trade jobs to mainstream professional tasks for businesses. Reach us through our support line to understand how to tap into the Bestcare pool of skills and talent market.

For professionals, link with an employer, our partners & clients who need their tasks taken care of. Scan through our list of services and Identify those you can dispend and connect with our support team for more information. We partner with service providers accross Kenya. Connect with the Bestcare Team to allow us to assess and appraise for quality services to our esteemed clients in Nairobi and the rest of Kenya.

Get the best home appliances repair services in Nairobi Kenya. We offer Washing Machine Repair in NairobiCooker Repair in NairobiOven Repair in NairobiDishwasher Repair in NairobiRefrigerator Repair in Nairobi, Home Theatre Repair in Nairobi, Treadmill Repair in Nairobi, Power Generator Repair in Nairobi, Solar Panel Repair in Nairobi, Air Conditioner Repair in Nairobi, Microwave Oven Repair in NairobiTelevision (TV) Repair Nairobi KenyaRefrigerator, fridge & Freezer Repair in NairobiGym Equipment Repair in NairobiWasher Repair & Dryer Repair in Nairobi KenyaKitchen Appliances Repair in NairobiLaundry Appliances Repair in NairobiComputer Repair in Nairobi, Printer Repair in Nairobi, Hob Repair Near Me, Sprinkler System Repair in Nairobi, Electrical Appliances Repair in Nairobi and more. Call for appliance repair service

Runda is a residential estate based in Runda Nairobi Kenya ‘s larger Westlands Region. Bestcare Services offers home & business services in Runda Area. These services include Home appliance repair, home improvement, gardening, home repairs, Security services, cooking and home chef services, home care services, Moving and relocation, Mobile Beauty & Wellness, Cleaning, Dry cleaning pick up & delivery, Gardening, Landscaping, Trades and Odd jobs, Builders, Removals & storage, Waste removal, Inventory services, Pest control, Appliance repair, Mobile Car Services, Christmas trees, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, Cleaning Services, Gardening, Grass Cutting, Oven Cleaning, Pest / Vermin Control, Window Cleaning and more.

Top Washer Repair Services in Nairobi appliance repair in nairobi kenya


Fridge, Freezer, Refrigerator, Coldroom, installation, repair and maintenance services in Runda Nairobi Kenya & Mombasa Kenya. Fridge repair in Runda Nairobi Kenya & Mombasa is a key service at Best Appliance Repairs. Fridge repair may be necessary if your fridge is not cold enough or too cold, is leaking, or if the freezer is not defrosting properly. Other possible issues include a broken ice maker, unusual noises, the fridge is running too long, or the light inside of the refrigerator won’t turn on.


Washing machine repairs is our specialty at Best Appliance Repairs and we engage in the installation, maintenance, repair, service and parts replacement of washing machines and tumble dryers in and around Runda Nairobi Kenya Kenya. Your washing machine and / or Tumble Dryer is one of the hardest working electrical / mechanical laundry appliance in your home and a broken washing machine can be a major problem as we rely on them for our hygiene and health. However, a broken washing machine does not have to be a disaster or an expensive problem to fix. Best Appliance Repairs will send you the expert you need to take care of machines that require repair, installation, maintenance and service in Runda Nairobi Kenya Kenya


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These is the full list of services we offer to our customers in Runda Area, Runda Nairobi Kenya Kenya

Categories General Handyman

Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya


Bestcare Borehole Drillingis a Kenyan Engineering and Borehole Drilling Services Firm that specializes in among others : Borehole Drilling Services in Nairobi and the rest of Kenya, Well Casing services, Borehole drilling location research, Water Tank Construction in Kenya, and Water Tower Construction services.

If you have anything you need to know about borehole drilling, get in touch through our official phone number (0722566999) or by mail for inquiries. You will be able to know about Borehole Drilling prices, Borehole drilling machines, The borehole drilling process, Borehole Drilling price in Kenya, Borehole Drilling Quotation and more.

Get to know more about how to borehole drilling services in your Area in Kenya, By getting in touch with us for inquiries and more information. Furnish us with your borehole drilling services requirements, location of drilling and urgency, and we will revert with very useful information about the process.

We have invested heavily in Borehole drilling equipment, state ofthe art technology, skillset and experience, to deliver the best services to our clients. We drill for homes, schools, churches, communities, non-profit organizations, hotels, lodges and more.

We are a dynamic group that handles all your borehole needs, pump systems and solar systems installation professionally. We aim at delivering high quality services to our clients at affordable market rates. At Raeli Hydro,  we  have  the   capacity   and  expertise needed to satisfy all your drilling requirements.

Over time, we have established an exceptional reputation as a provider of quality services, using state of the art equipment and client-focused business processes. We liase other industry players to stay updated and deliver internationally reputable services that also meet local standards.

Borehole Gravelling Nairobi Kenya
Borehole Gravelling Nairobi Kenya


Our Drilling Process

After the contract has been formalized, Our technical team visits the site along with geologists to identify the best place to carry out the drilling process. The drilling rig accompanied by a support truck arrives at the site.

Based on soil and rock formation conditions, we would take approximately 3 hours to prepare for the drilling process. The drilling is carried out using the “Down-The-Hole” (DTH) technology. We use high compressed air built within our drilling rig.

The size of the hole varies, depending on the client’s requirements.  Geological rock samples are taken every 2 meters. Struck and water rest levels are constantly recorded. This way we are able to estimate the yield of individual aquifers encountered. Work with Bestcare Borehole Drillingfor your Drilling needs

  1. Convenient & Reliable services
  2. Market Friendly drilling rates
  3. Environment Conscious practices
  4. International services standards conformity
  5. Experience and a 98% success rate
  6. Testimonials from our former and current clients


Hydrological Reports, Water Analisys Reports & NEMA Reports. When necessary, BESTCARE BOREHOLE DRILLING Systems will help you acquire the prerequisite documentation (permits and licenses) for drilling activity.

Once the geologist has surveyed the area, he/she will provide you with a detailed report on the geology of the parcel of land. This report will also indicate the estimated depth of the water and the exact location of the borehole. The report is an important document you will require, to get the drilling process going, besides other important documents.


  1. Geological/Hydrological Survey carried out by a registered geologist in the designated country.
  2. Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA)Authorization.
  3. Environmental impact assessment report
  4. NEMA License



Both the depth and the diameter of the borehole affects how costly your project is going to be. The deeper you drill the borehole, or the wider you have it, the more expensive your borehole will be. These factors determine the Borehole Drilling price in Kenya, more than most of other determining factors.

Categories General Handyman, Wall Services

Office Moving Service in Nairobi and Kenya

Office Moving Service in Nairobi and Kenya by Bestcare Handyman

Bestcare Handyman offers reliable and efficient Office Moving Service in Nairobi and Kenya. Moving an office can be stressful, but Bestcare Handyman provides a smooth and hassle-free experience. They serve major areas including Nairobi, Kiambu, Eldoret, Mombasa, Nakuru, and other parts of Kenya.

What Makes Bestcare Handyman the Best?

Bestcare Handyman is known for its professionalism and attention to detail. They handle all types of office moves, from small offices to large corporate relocations. Their team of experts ensures that your office belongings are moved safely and efficiently. They use specialized equipment and vehicles to ensure everything arrives at the new location in perfect condition.


Office Moving Solutions Offered

1. Comprehensive Planning

Bestcare Handyman starts by creating a detailed moving plan. They assess your office space and make a plan that minimizes downtime. This includes coordinating the move with your schedule to avoid disrupting your business operations.

2. Packing and Unpacking Services

Bestcare Handyman provides packing and unpacking services to ensure that all items are safely packed. They use high-quality packing materials for sensitive equipment, documents, and office furniture. Their team will also unpack and set up everything at the new location.

3. Furniture Disassembly and Reassembly

Moving office furniture can be challenging. Bestcare Handyman offers furniture disassembly and reassembly services. They carefully take apart desks, chairs, and other furniture and reassemble them at the new office.

4. IT Equipment Handling

Bestcare Handyman understands the importance of IT equipment. Their team is trained to handle computers, servers, printers, and other electronic devices. They ensure that all equipment is safely disconnected, transported, and reconnected at the new office.

5. Secure Transportation

Bestcare Handyman uses secure transportation methods to move your office belongings. Their vehicles are equipped with safety features to protect your items during transit. They guarantee that everything arrives safely and on time.

6. Storage Solutions

If you need to store office items temporarily, Bestcare Handyman offers secure storage solutions. They have storage facilities where your office items can be kept safely until you are ready to move them to the new location.

7. Post-Move Support

After the move, Bestcare Handyman offers post-move support to help you settle into your new office. This includes rearranging furniture, setting up equipment, and addressing any concerns you may have.

Why Choose Bestcare Handyman?

Choosing Bestcare Handyman for your Office Moving Service in Nairobi and Kenya ensures that your move will be handled with care and expertise. Their team is dedicated to making the process as smooth as possible, with minimal disruption to your business. They are committed to providing the best Office Moving Service in Nairobi and Kenya, and they have a track record of satisfied clients across the country.

For a stress-free office move, trust Bestcare Handyman to provide a comprehensive Office Moving Service in Nairobi and Kenya. They are your partner in making your office relocation a success, whether in Nairobi, Kiambu, Eldoret, Mombasa, Nakuru, or anywhere else in Kenya


Categories Residential Service, Updates and Insights, Wall Services

Amazing Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi

Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi by Bestcare Handyman

Bestcare Handyman provides expert Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi and beyond, including Kiambu, Eldoret, Mombasa, Nakuru, and throughout Kenya. Their team is skilled in diagnosing and fixing a wide range of fridge problems, ensuring your appliance works efficiently.

Expert Solutions Offered

Bestcare Handyman offers a variety of solutions for fridge issues. Here’s a detailed look at their Fridge Repair Service in Kiambu and other locations:

1. Refrigerator Not Cooling

If your fridge is not cooling properly, Bestcare Handyman can identify the issue. Common causes include faulty thermostats, defective compressors, or blocked air vents. Their Fridge Repair Service in Kiambu ensures that all these issues are addressed quickly and effectively.

2. Excessive Noise

Noisy fridges can be annoying and disruptive. Bestcare Handyman’s team will inspect the fan, motor, and compressor to determine the source of the noise. Their Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi includes repairing or replacing noisy components to restore peace and quiet.

3. Water Leakage

Water leakage can damage your floors and create a mess. Bestcare Handyman’s Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi tackles leaks by checking the drain pan, defrost drain, and door seals. They fix or replace parts to stop the leakage and prevent future problems.

4. Ice Maker Issues

If your ice maker is not working or making strange noises, Bestcare Handyman provides a specialized Fridge Repair Service in Kiambu to handle these problems. They repair or replace ice maker components and ensure it functions smoothly.

5. Temperature Fluctuations

Inconsistent temperatures can spoil your food. Bestcare Handyman’s Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi includes diagnosing issues with the temperature control system, evaporator fan, or condenser coils to ensure your fridge maintains a stable temperature.

6. Fridge Light Not Working

A non-working light can make it difficult to see inside your fridge. Bestcare Handyman will replace or repair the light bulb and light switch as part of their Fridge Repair Service in Kiambu, ensuring you can easily access your food.

7. Strange Odors

Bad smells can come from mold or decomposing food. Bestcare Handyman’s Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi includes cleaning and deodorizing the interior, checking for mold, and ensuring that the air filter is clean and functioning.

8. Door Seal Problems

Broken or damaged door seals can lead to cooling issues. Bestcare Handyman replaces or repairs door seals and gaskets as part of their Fridge Repair Service in Kiambu to maintain the efficiency of your fridge.

Why Choose Bestcare Handyman?

Bestcare Handyman is known for providing reliable Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi and other regions. Their team of professionals is trained to handle all types of fridge problems with speed and precision. They use high-quality parts and tools, ensuring long-lasting repairs.

With a focus on customer satisfaction, Bestcare Handyman offers affordable pricing and timely service, making them a top choice for fridge repairs in Kiambu, Nairobi, and beyond.

For any fridge-related issues, contact Bestcare Handyman for expert repair services that ensure your appliance runs smoothly and efficiently


Categories Home Cleaning

Should one hire a professional cleaning company

Should One Hire a Professional Cleaning Company?

Hiring a professional cleaning company can be beneficial for many reasons. Here’s a detailed look at why it might be a good choice:

1. Quality of Cleaning

Professional cleaning companies use specialized equipment and cleaning solutions that are more effective than typical household products. They have trained staff who know how to clean various surfaces and materials properly, ensuring a high standard of cleanliness.

2. Time-Saving

Cleaning can be time-consuming. By hiring a professional cleaning company, you save valuable time that you can spend on other important tasks or activities. Professionals handle the cleaning efficiently, allowing you to focus on your work or personal life.

3. Expertise and Experience

Professional cleaners have experience in handling different types of cleaning tasks. They are familiar with the best techniques and practices for thorough and effective cleaning. Their expertise ensures that all areas, including hard-to-reach spots, are cleaned properly.

4. Health and Hygiene

A professional cleaning company can help improve the health and hygiene of your environment. They use disinfectants and cleaners that can eliminate germs, bacteria, and allergens, which is especially important in places like kitchens and bathrooms.

5. Customizable Services

Many cleaning companies offer customizable services based on your needs. Whether you need regular cleaning, deep cleaning, or special services like carpet cleaning or window washing, you can choose the options that best fit your requirements.

6. Professional Equipment

Professionals use advanced cleaning equipment that might not be available to the average homeowner. This equipment can provide a deeper clean and often works faster and more efficiently than consumer-grade tools.

7. Reliability and Consistency

Hiring a professional cleaning company ensures reliability and consistency. They follow a set schedule and have processes in place to maintain high standards of cleaning. This reliability is especially beneficial for businesses or busy households.

Reliable Pest Control Service in Nairobi, Kenya

The Best  Cleaning Services in Nairobi

Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya

Amazing Fridge Repair Service in Nairobi

8. Stress Reduction

Cleaning can be stressful, especially if you’re managing it on top of other responsibilities. A professional cleaning company takes this burden off your shoulders, allowing you to relax and enjoy a clean environment without the stress of doing it yourself.

9. Long-Term Cost Savings

Although hiring professionals might seem like an added expense, it can save money in the long run. Regular cleaning can help maintain the condition of your property and prevent damage that might result from neglect or improper cleaning.

10. Specialized Cleaning Services

Some cleaning companies offer specialized services, such as carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and post-renovation cleaning. These services require specific knowledge and equipment that professionals provide.

Hiring a professional cleaning company can offer numerous benefits, including high-quality cleaning, time-saving, and health improvements. Their expertise and specialized equipment ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process, making it a worthwhile investment for maintaining a clean and healthy environment